Most of us have heard the saying: The grass is always greener on the other side…
I hate this saying. It suggests that you can’t get what you really want; or that another will always have it better than you. In either case, this saying lacks perspective and suggests that a passive approach to things is fine because if you actively do something, it won’t matter anyway.
Instead, I like:”The grass is greener where you water it”.
Think of all of the things in business and in life that require continued attentiveness to remain vibrant. Employee morale must continually be nurtured to remain positive. Business relationships require continuing contact to remain intact.
And your mother knows you love her but she still needs to hear you say it.
What happens as soon as you stop watering grass? It turns brown.
And sometimes, if you start watering the grass again it will come back green, but sometimes it doesn’t…
So, figure out what is important to you and keep watering the grass!